Our Mission
Support organizations and individuals transition to their desired futures by assisting them:
Organizations with a clear sense of destination are best positioned to realize their vision. Diciàlà supports organisations assess their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as a basis for crafting their vision, mission, strategic objectives and values that undergird the organisations’ culture. End Product : an organisational strategic plan.
Innovation is about executing an idea which addresses a specific challenge and produces value for the organization and its clients. Project management is an important approach to move from ideas to value realization. Diciàlà offers training and project management and monitoring support to organizations as they execute projects that will introduce innovation and thus strengthen long term business viability.
Long-term focused organizations have a clear vision and well crafted strategic objectives. what budgeting methods and processes do you need in place to ensure that the budget is aligned with your business strategy and is flexible enough to adapt to changing internal and external environment. Diciàlà can help.
Mergers, acquisitions, growth, decline, changes in organizational strategy inevitably require employees to adjust to new realities. They may reject, embrace or passively resist the change. To succeed organizations must align people with the needed change. In DiciÀlà we help organizations manage the people side of change and create conditions that can sustain the desired change.
Organizations evolve in uncertain environments. They face hazard risks, operational risks, financial risks and strategic risks. Diciàlà assists organiztions understand, manage risks with a view to establishing a culture that organically integrates risks in all aspects of its operations.
Organizations considering multiple projects need a way to choose which ones to pursue in light of budget constraints. DiciÀlà helps organizations decide on which projects to undertake through rigorous cost benefit analysis. We cover a wide array of projects from single projects to portfolios of projects, from purely financial projects for business to social and economic policy projects from public sector and non governmental organizations.